When you feel LAZY to dress up,
The formula for your outfits will be ↷
a) Plain T + Unique pants, skorts or skirts
b) Unique T + plain pants, skorts or skirts
I guess this is what the girls normally will dress up when they feel lazy,
yet they don't want to let other people feel they are very CINCAI. 😏
Even though, there have a lot of clothes in our wardrobe...
But still we feel there are ZERO clothes. 🙈
So, easy matching outfit like...
Easy matching T-shirts, pants, skirts or skorts is very important now!
You are able to stand out with a piece of unique T-shirt or bottom wear. (either one will do) 💁
Of course I quite lazy to match my outfits sometime during my internship in TWENTY 3.
I prefer a more simple outfits instead during some of the time.
Thus, I will just simply grab my own shirt/bottom wear to match any of their clothes.
Here you go! 💃
# Pinkish Sweater + Patches Skort
Pink is my favourite colour!
I realized that H&M actually come out with many nude pink clothes.
Their jackets, sweaters, long sleeve's top, sweat pants.
Today, I remembered was a raining day.
I want to wear something is thick and long.
So I just put on the sweater I bought from H&M.
Then match with a denim skort from TWENTY 3.
I love their denim with patches. It was so cute and adorable.
I can't resist myself to love them. Sadly, this skirt only left 101 pieces.
Surprisingly, this matching is not weird? (I guess) 🙈
The sweater actually cover part of the skorts.
It cover the part where have a strap that connect both of the pieces of a skort together.
Got one customer said I loked young with this outfit! 💓
# Patches T + Ripped Jeans
The dinosaur in the pocket looked cute on the black-T.
I matched it with my ripped, ripped jeans from Cotton On.
The quality of the T-shirt is very good.
It is made up with cotton and polyester.
So it is very stretchable and smooth texture.
There have a two straps where you can tie a ribbon or whatever pattern you want on it.
But I very CACAT to tie it nicely.
So yea, I did not reveal it.
Selfie day with my dinosaur.
Kinda lazy day with my dinosaur.
He is watching me?!
But who cares 😝
# Word-printed T + sweat pant
The first time i saw this hoodie sleeveless top,
I was like OMG, why so cute!
I love their quote!
I love donut!
I love pink!
I love their soft and smooth materials!
At first, I was thinking to match it with any short pants.
But I want to present it in a more sporty feels.
So I match it with a sweat pant from Factories.
Ain't I look swag/ cool kid with this outfit? 🙈
This shirt always remind me that:
You have to accept the ups and downs that happen in your life.
You cannot expect you can enjoy the happy moments everyday.
So just be yourself, and donut worry!
Be happy as well, enjoy every moment you've pass through.